Doolin’ Dalton

Whether you’ve just moved into a new place or are tired of looking at the same dull backyard day after day, backyard remodeling is something that almost every homeowner has considered doing at some point.

However, these projects are typically massive undertakings, which is the main thing that holds people back. If you’ve recently decided that it’s time to take that first step, though, you’ll want to make sure you do so on the right foot. That’s why we’re here to go over the dos and don’ts of a standard backyard remodel. We want to help you turn your vision into a reality.

Do Figure Out What You Want and Need

As we previously mentioned, most people get inspired to remodel their backyard because they don’t like how the current one looks. Still, that’s usually not a good enough reason to tear it all down. You need to figure out what you want to replace it with first.

Do you want something more elegant and serene, or do you need a backyard that’s a bit more child friendly? Whatever your reasoning may be, you need to make sure you start this project by establishing your wants and needs first. Failing to do so will lead to a poor sense of direction throughout the entire process, which can lead to you wasting time, money, or both.

Don’t Create Unrealistic Expectations

When brainstorming ideas for your new backyard, it’s totally natural to head to the internet to get some ideas. Websites like Pinterest are perfect for this, but the images you can find might be a little too picture-perfect at times.

This can cause you to create unrealistic expectations for your own project. You must remember that people will make their yards look pristine before taking a snapshot, but it’s improbable they look that perfect all the time.

Unless you have the time to dedicate yourself to tidying up your backyard regularly, you’ll have to accept the fact that your final product might not turn out like what you’ve seen online. That’s fine, though. Your backyard doesn’t have to look like something that people find on the front page of a gardening website. It just needs to be good enough for you to feel proud about the work you put into it.

Do Determine Your Budget Beforehand

One backyard remodeling step that you absolutely should do that way too many people don’t is planning your budget before you begin and sticking to it. If you don’t pay close attention, these types of projects can get expensive really quickly.

That doesn’t mean you should cheap out and buy low-quality supplies. In fact, that’s the exact opposite of what you should do. These remodeling projects need to stand the test of time. Unless you want to spend the next couple of decades constantly repairing your hard work, you need to pay a little extra to ensure you do it right the first time. As long as you plan out all of those expenses ahead of time, you shouldn’t run into any major surprises halfway through the project.

Don’t Try To Do the Whole Yard at Once

Another big mistake people make is trying to remodel the entire backyard at once. This is a huge no-no. Unless you have extensive experience in this area, you likely aren’t up to the task of doing a whole yard during one project. This is also where lots of people go over budget.

Typically, it’s best to start small and build from there. For example, you can begin by reworking your patio. Buy flagstone pavers and create an all-new base for your backyard barbeques. Then, you can work on installing a beautiful fire pit in the middle and purchase some new furniture to match the unique style.

Once you’ve finished your patio, take some time to enjoy it. Figure out what you do and don’t like about it. Then, take what you’ve learned to remodel the next section of your yard. It’ll obviously take more time to do things this way, but it’ll help you focus your approach as well as give your bank account a break to rebuild in between projects.

Do Consider Your Area’s Climate Changes

One often overlooked aspect of backyard redesigns is your area’s climate. If you live up north, there will be specific vegetation and materials that won’t be able to survive your harsh winters. The same goes for those of you in warmer areas. The intense heat might be too much for certain aspects of your remodel to handle.

You need to take the time to find out which changes are the best for your climate. You can either look more into it yourself or ask a professional for their expert opinion on the subject. That’s the most challenging part about finding ideas online; you usually don’t know where they came from. Just be sure to remember that just because an idea worked for someone else doesn’t mean it’ll always pan out for you due to where you live.

Don’t Do This Project Alone

No matter who you are or what kind of landscaping experience you have, you should never do a project like this alone. Not only do more people help you finish things quicker, but they can also save you from unnecessarily hurting yourself.

Many long hours go into yard projects, and much of the time, you’ll need to lift or move heavy materials to get them into position. All these things could easily lead to an accident that could delay the entire remodel by weeks or even months and give you unwanted medical bills. We’re sure that you have some friends or family members that would be more than happy to assist you with this project, so don’t be afraid to reach out to them.

Of course, this point also applies to people who don’t think they could do any of it on their own. Backyard remodeling isn’t for everyone, and that’s perfectly okay. That’s why so many companies exist that specialize in this type of work. As long as you can communicate a clear vision to them and ensure that their services are within your budget, this is a perfectly acceptable avenue for you to pursue.

The bottom line is that you’re not alone in this. Backyard remodeling is a considerable undertaking. So if you feel like it’s finally time to do something about your dreadful exterior area, you should know that there are plenty of options for fixing it.

The Dos and Don’ts of Remodeling Your Backyard

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